PVU Quiet Packaged Units To ErP 2018
PVU Quiet
PVU Ceiling Void Units
- Ultra low profile from 300mm
- Option bag filters to F7 grade
- Optional mixing box
- Matching attenuators
- Tonal noise control
- Speed regulation 0>10 Volts
- Heating coils - LPHW and electric
- Bottom and side access
- Fully integrated packaged controls
- Fan motor isolator fitted as standard
- High airflow / pressure performance
- Low specific fan power E.C. fans backward curved
- Constant pressure ‘Vari-Vol’ variable volume system available
- High sound reduction casework tested to BS EN ISO 10140-2(2010)
- Suspension brackets with vibration control available
- Cooling coils chilled water/DX/heatpump available
Environmentaly friendly systems.
Provides good indoor air quality.
Recovery reduces energy costs.
High efficiency heat pump technology.
Hydrocarbon benign refrigerant available.
The Company…
Air Handlers have been trading since May 1989, and have just celebrated 25 years in business in 2014. The Company operates from its 60,000 Sq Ft Factory in Salford Quays which was purpose built in the year 2000.
Product Development...
The Company is continually updating its products to changing energy saving technologies, so the introduction of the PVU Range of Packaged Void Units is based on changes in Fan technology, with the introduction of EC backward curved direct driven plug fans, with 0<10V speed control. Multi fan wall arrangements have been adopted to give higher performance with lower energy consumption.
The Packaged Void range has been developed to meet the specific fan power requirements of Building Regulations, and additionally to meet the low noise levels imposed on office, school, commercial buildings projects.
Acoustic Performance...
Extensive acoustic testing of casework construction has been carried out at both the companies testing facilities, and Salford University Acoustic Testing Laboratory. Acoustic tests were carried out on eleven double skin composite panel/frame systems, eight different triple and quadruple skin composite panel/frame systems, to BS. EN ISO 10140-2 (2010) which have all been certified as UKAS accredited.
BB93 feb 2015 acoustic reports noise reduction schools (PDF)
Air Handling Units Acoustic Insulation Performance Tests (Online Version)
Sound Advice for Ventilation Plant in Schools (PDF)
Sound Advice for Ventilation Plant in Schools (Online Version)